Category / Before and After / Scanning
What should I do with silvered photos?
Silvered photos is a common form of decay of black and white prints, making it impossible to see details of images. Chaos to Memories use a special camera scanning technique that captures all the original details of the print but without any damage to the original.
Saving Space with Archival Storage
Many of our clients ask us if they should keep their original photos after we scan them. We suggest keeping them, and here’s why…
Wedding Album Restoration
For many people, their wedding album is one of their most special possessions. Unfortunately, wedding albums can suffer from many kinds of decay, including…
Can I scan slides with my phone?
Adam did a side by side test comparing slides scanned with a mobile app and slides camera scanned to evaluate quality and differences.
Can I scan film negatives with my phone?
There are mobile apps for your smart phone that make big claims about how they offer “high-quality scanning” of your family photos. How do they compare to archival camera scanning?