Category / Scanning / Tips

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  • inherited photos

    What should I do with inherited photos?

    Many people contact us when they inherit family photos from a parent, grandparent, or other family member who has passed away. These photos can feel like a treasure and a burden at the same time…

  • silvered photos

    What should I do with silvered photos?

    Silvered photos is a common form of decay of black and white prints, making it impossible to see details of images. Chaos to Memories use a special camera scanning technique that captures all the original details of the print but without any damage to the original.

  • scanning photos and negatives

    Seven Common Photo Scanning Mistakes

    Adam has identified seven common mistakes people make when scanning photos. Do any of these sound familiar?

  • Should I keep my slide carousels?

    Rehousing your slides in space-saving archival storage, you can keep them safe for the future and benefit from massive space savings.

  • Vacation Photo Tips - Chaos to Memories Blog Post - Croatia

    Tips for Taking Better Photos

    A photo doesn’t have to be awesome to be a great memory, but everyone wants to take better photos. As a staff, we have a combined 50+ years of photography experience and these are our top tips to help you take more memorable photos.

  • old wedding album

    Wedding Album Restoration

    For many people, their wedding album is one of their most special possessions. Unfortunately, wedding albums can suffer from many kinds of decay, including…

  • can I scan slides with my camera app

    Can I scan slides with my phone?

    Adam did a side by side test comparing slides scanned with a mobile app and slides camera scanned to evaluate quality and differences.

  • camera scan vs film negative scanning app

    Can I scan film negatives with my phone?

    There are mobile apps for your smart phone that make big claims about how they offer “high-quality scanning” of your family photos. How do they compare to archival camera scanning?

  • Estimating Photo Projects - professional photo organizer

    Estimating Photo Projects

    Here are a few tips about estimating photo projects and their scope:

  • metadata

    What is Metadata?

    Metadata, a way to embed details inside a digital photo, allows you to search your photo archive instead of browse for your memories.