Organizing Photos with Adobe Lightroom Classic with Adam Pratt, professional photo organizers

Course: Organizing Photos with Adobe Lightroom Classic

We offer several excellent online courses, but my course about Organizing Photos with Adobe Lightroom Classic is the best and most comprehensive offering in our library. I consider this our cornerstone course and it’s the foundation of all the work we do at Chaos to Memories.

During my 22 years at Adobe I trained Adobe employees, customers, and partners around the world. I love helping people learn the most effective ways to use software to achieve their goals. In this 7.5 hour course you’ll learn the WHY and the HOW of every step in our photo organizing workflow.

Students around the world have taken this organizing photos course and described it as awesome, fantastic, and life-changing. But you don’t have to take my word or their word for it. Check out the free sample lessons and decide for yourself.

Course Information

Organizing Photos with Adobe Lightroom Classic with Adam Pratt

Are you overwhelmed by your own photo chaos? Does every new photo organizing project feel like a puzzle? Are you ready to take your photo organizing business to the next level? If so, then this course was created for you!

You’ll learn how to organize photos in a way that:

  • relies on industry-standard Adobe software
  • follows a repeatable workflow
  • delivers a sorted, searchable, shareable, and secure photo archive
  • gives you new confidence
  • makes your photo organizing business more profitable

You’ll learn a comprehensive workflow with Adobe Lightroom Classic that is based on open standards and industry best practices so that you can tackle any project that comes your way. This repeatable workflow can be used in any situation: digital photos or scanned photos, JPEG or Camera Raw, Mac or Windows, iPhone or Android. You’ll be ready for anything!

This course covers foundational concepts and detailed step-by-step instructions for every phase of the workflow. This way you get the WHY and the HOW of every step.

Enjoy the free trial lessons for more details on what to expect, why to use Lightroom Classic, and how to get the most out of the course.

Who is this course for?

  • Professional Photo Organizers who organize photo collections for clients (beginner to experienced)
  • Serious Amateur Photographers who want to organize their own photos
  • Professional Photographers who want to organize their photo archives
  • Family Historians who want to preserve and organize photos for future generations


  • 7.5 hours of self-paced video training in 8 modules and 40+ individual lessons (7 hours, 32 minutes)
  • Bonus material including a Lightroom Resource Guide full of important links, shortcuts, and checklists
  • Exclusive access to private Facebook group
  • Lightroom Troubleshooting Guide to help with common confusing situations
  • Customizable Workflow Checklist in multiple formats (InDesign, Excel, and PDF) and sizes (letter and tabloid)
  • Downloadable transcripts for every lesson to use as reference notes

Feedback from a professional organizer:

“I thought I was pretty familiar with Lightroom prior to this course because I’d watched a number of training videos already. I was still “wow’d” by this class! Other Lightroom training videos all focus on teaching from the perspective of a photographer or serious hobbyist. Photo organizers can greatly benefit from using this professional tool, and Adam Pratt did a great job of explaining how it can be used to its full potential by teaching his exact workflow that he uses to manage photo collections for other people. This was a good investment and I feel much better equipped to have a process that can be repeated for each client!” – Kathy Robinson

Our full list of courses includes:

…with more coming soon! We do also offer 20% off if you purchase the Complete Collection.

Interested in working with Chaos to Memories?

If you’re near Chicago and ready to get started, come visit our Wheaton Studio Monday – Friday, 10-5. Please bring your memories with you.

Contact us for more information, shipping instructions, and to get started on your project.

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