Course: Digital Format Foundations
Do you wish you were more confident working with digital files? This course is about handling digital files with confidence.
Course: Organizing Photos with Adobe Bridge
Follow industry best practices for photo organization so your photo memories can be enjoyed today, tomorrow, and for generations to come.
Where do I start?
Our average photo organizing client has more than 100,000 digital photos and some of our clients have as many as…
What’s in my Digital Gathering Toolkit?
Every digital photo organizing projects starts with gathering because we can estimate the scope of the project, save time, and…
Course: Fixing Dates of Digital Photos and Videos
Every one of my family photos and videos back to 1904 has been digitized, organized, and shared. But there was one problem that perplexed me…
Course: Seven Steps to Creative Problem Solving
In this short course, Adam shares my Seven Steps to Creative Problem Solving and a real world example of this process in action.