Category / Film Reels / Tips

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  • convert movie film reel - length of film

    How to Estimate the Length of Film Reels

    Many home movies from the 1920s through the 1980s are on film reels on formats including Regular 8, Super 8, and 16mm. Unfortunately…

  • how to ship photos safely - chaos to memories

    How to Ship Photos Safely

    We ship and receive packages of photos, home movies, and film reels almost every day. Here’s our advice for how to ship your memories safely…

  • hands in gloves holding vintage photos - how to choose a scanning company

    How to Choose a Scanning Company

    Scanning your family photos is an essential step to preserve your memories and stories for future…

  • digital photo memory cards - digital formats

    Where do I start?

    Our average photo organizing client has more than 100,000 digital photos and some of our clients have as many as…

  • digital gathering toolkit

    What’s in my Digital Gathering Toolkit?

    Every digital photo organizing projects starts with gathering because we can estimate the scope of the project, save time, and…

  • how to store physical photos - suburban house

    Where should I store my photos?

    The best way to preserve your physical photos for generations to come is to store them in…

  • a drop of water - one of the four main risk to physical photos, videos, film reels

    What Are The Risks?

    In order to preserve your physical photos, it’s necessary to understand the risks that can cause decay and damage. The four main risk factors are…

  • optical disc broken CD-R means lost digital photos

    Optical Disc Risk

    CDs and DVDs are popular digital media formats, but it doesn’t mean they’re safe. If you have backups on optical media, you must understand the risks…

  • digital camera on copy stand

    Best Photo Scanning Setup

    At Chaos to Memories we scan tens of thousands of photos every year at high resolution and incredible quality, but would you believe we don’t use any…

  • 35mm film negatives with sequence numbers

    Negatives in the wrong order?

    Most film cameras load and shoot film in order from frame 1 to frame 24 or 36. That means each frame was exposed and…