Category / Tips
Should I keep my original family photos after they’re scanned?
What do you do with your family photos after you’ve completed scanning and archiving them? Read on for your options…
What should I do with inherited photos?
Many people contact us when they inherit family photos from a parent, grandparent, or other family member who has passed away. These photos can feel like a treasure and a burden at the same time…
Your Film Reels are at Risk!
There’s something magical about moving pictures, but know there are unique risks facing your 8mm and 16mm film reels.
Course: Estimating Photo Organizing Projects
The hardest part of organizing family photos is understanding the scope of the project. What formats do you have? How many photos and home movies are there? How do you estimate the cost of a project?
How should I name my digital photos?
If you follow these best practices then you will have a photo archive where every filename is unique, chronological, and self-explanatory.
How should I organize family photos?
There are different ways to organize family photos. Read about the different options, as well as our recommendation…
Seven Common Photo Scanning Mistakes
Adam has identified seven common mistakes people make when scanning photos. Do any of these sound familiar?
Tips for Taking Better Photos
A photo doesn’t have to be awesome to be a great memory, but everyone wants to take better photos. As a staff, we have a combined 50+ years of photography experience and these are our top tips to help you take more memorable photos.
Can I scan slides with my phone?
Adam did a side by side test comparing slides scanned with a mobile app and slides camera scanned to evaluate quality and differences.
Can I scan film negatives with my phone?
There are mobile apps for your smart phone that make big claims about how they offer “high-quality scanning” of your family photos. How do they compare to archival camera scanning?